Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So I went to bed EARLY last night (something like 10pm, maybe 11 at the latest... but definately earlier than usual) and I woke up bright and early (8:45!!!! I know, I'm such a princess!). I had plans to eat breakfast with my mother and sister, so as I waited for them to get up I chatted it up a bit with Christopher. I don't think we discussed anything much that would interest you fools, just Sherlock, Pancakes (or Canpakes as Christopher calls them), and Sheep...

ANYWAYS! Yeah, so I went to Breakfast at White Spot with the mother and sister annnnnd ate... Then we went to the mall annnnnnd shopped (I got myself a nice black hoodie from Old Navy, but might return it... haven't yet decided)... then I dropped them off at the movies while I went and bought a cake for my friend's b-days tomorrow (Larissa and Terrill, yeah, both on New Years Eve :D) So I got the cake (white ice cream) and some decorating things and TRIED to decorate it but it looked rubbish, so I smeared it all off and might just make it say "Happy Birthday Bitches" or something... MHLARG!!!

Besides that... nothing much happened today... I plan on going to dinner with the mother (she's staying tonight again and leaving tomorrow) and probably reading the remaining 4 Sherlocks shorts I have in the first part of the book... before the BIG thing happens that I'm not supposed to know about, but do thanks to the introduction to the book where they laid out not only what happens there, but how it's remedied in the next book. Seriously! If you DO decide to read the books don't look into them... It would be a LOVELY surprise (kind of) had I not known, whatever, I'll cry anyways, I'm sure!

OH GOD! There's this WONDERFUL Sherlock Holmes story called "The Adventure of the Yellow Face" (click there to read it) and it made me CRYYYYYYY, it's such a SWEET SWEET SWEET story with one of my favorite endings!

Anyways loves! I'm heading out for din-din with my mother (and now my father is joining too) so I'll leave you with this song...

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